Internal Comms: It’s Time to Pay Attention to Your Internal Service Providers
Written by Cristian SALANTI

With IC focused on helping senior leadership, other internal communicators might be getting ignored. This impacts negatively employee experience, customer experience as well as the overall efficiency and flexibility of the company

The 8th Future Workplaces Summit
Written by Zenify

The 8th Future Workplaces Summit is an international event that brings together leaders from the world of work to discuss the latest trends and challenges facing organizations today. The summit focuses on the key themes of the future of work, the rise of the digital workplace, the role of technology in the workplace, leadership in …

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Redefining Employee Experience: A Holistic Approach
Written by Cristian SALANTI

The concept of Employee Experience (EX) is well-established, with most companies implementing initiatives aimed at improving the overall experience for their employees. While these programs have led to some improvements, it’s important to acknowledge certain limitations #employeeexperience #ex #digitalemployeeexperience #dex #digitalworkplace #intranet

Why Your Employees Feel Trapped in a Maze Instead of Navigating a Seamless Shopping Mall
Why Your Employees Feel Trapped in a Maze Instead of Navigating a Seamless Shopping Mall
Written by Cristian SALANTI

In recent years, your company has invested heavily in digitalization, introducing new apps and updating existing ones. However, have you ever considered that your colleagues might be feeling lost in an increasingly complex maze? employeeexperience #ex #digitalemployeeexperience #dex #digitalworkplace #intranet

link between intranet and customer experience
The not so obvious link between intranet and customer experience
Written by Cristian SALANTI

The intranet is often overlooked and underfunded within the corporate environment, despite its significant untapped potential. To engage all stakeholders involved in the intranet, it is crucial to highlight the direct and strong link between customer experience and the intranet. By demonstrating this relationship, your intranet project will receive more attention and a lot more …

The not so obvious link between intranet and customer experience Read More »

Integrating Aikido Philosophy into Digital Workplace Design
Harmony Bytes: Integrating Aikido Philosophy in Digital Workplace Design
Written by Cristian SALANTI

By applying underlying principles of aikido, interactions between employees and the digital workplace can be optimized. Each interaction essentially involves the employee and the owner of the specific topic. Aikidō, known as “the way of harmony with universal energy,” teaches how to harness this energy in relationships with internal partners, ultimately reducing headaches. #HarmonyBytes …

Harmony Bytes: Integrating Aikido Philosophy in Digital Workplace Design Read More »

Proper information management is like good oil
Proper information management is like good oil for your business engine
Written by Cristian SALANTI

Loads of people I speak with consider the enterprise information management as a nice to have, optional kind of thing. A bit like global warming or pollution, most people talk about it and yet almost nobody does a thing about it.The trouble with information is also that it doesn’t do anything by itself, somebody has …

Proper information management is like good oil for your business engine Read More »

digital workplace design should focus mainly on task execution
You thought digital workplace design should focus mainly on task execution?
Written by Cristian SALANTI

Digital Workplace is first and foremost about work. Yet, if you are a stakeholder in your company’s digital workplace, you still face a big challenge about how to achieve it.One approach is to focus on how tasks are performed as productively as possible. Yet, if you go down this route, sooner or later you will …

You thought digital workplace design should focus mainly on task execution? Read More »

You Need to Improve Your Digital Employee Experience. Do You Have the Resources?
Written by Cristian SALANTI

I am honoured to have James Robertson referencing my article on applying Lean Management to digital workplace. And yes, if you are short on staff, one of your first concerns should be to improve DEX. Having a task-focused Digital Employee Experience will free resources that are otherwise engaged with support (requesting, and providing), compliance (enforcing, …

You Need to Improve Your Digital Employee Experience. Do You Have the Resources? Read More »

link for Internal Communications
The critical link for Internal Communications
Written by Cristian SALANTI

The focus of most IC professionals is to support top-down communication. And I can tell from my own experience as a young employee, this is something that matters. Yet, there is something that I think matters even more. For every task an employee must perform, there is an internal expert who can guide the employee …

The critical link for Internal Communications Read More »