With IC focused on helping senior leadership, other internal communicators might be getting ignored. This impacts negatively employee experience, customer experience as well as the overall efficiency and flexibility of the company https://www.reworked.co/knowledge-findability/internal-comms-its-time-to-pay-attention-to-your-internal-service-providers/
The focus of most IC professionals is to support top-down communication. And I can tell from my own experience as a young employee, this is something that matters. Yet, there is something that I think matters even more. For every task an employee must perform, there is an internal expert who can guide the employee …
With the risk of stating the obvious, both types of communication are critically important for a company to work properly. Internal Comms teams consider they act on behalf of the Top Management team, and they must broadcast their messages. Operations people think that since they create the highest added value within the company, operational communication …
Mix and Match – Internal Corporate Communication and Operational Communication Read More »