The number one reason for task execution failure is that management and proces designer do not really put themselves in the employee’s shoes. Here are 4 things that often go wrong with employee experience: Employees have to jump from task to task. Optimizing a few tasks is not enough, you need a consistent approach across all …

Getting good content for your intranet was never easy. Very often, it requires countless interactions with whoever want to listen to you in order to squize from them a few ideas that can become publishable content. Yet, I would argue that there is a better way, that delivers valuable content, with strong business impact and …
Missing great content for your intranet? Then start asking for something else Read More »

When it comes to keeping intranet content up to date, some people view the task as a chore, while others welcome the work. Updating intranet content traditionally works like this: each department assigns a person (or several people) the task of maintaining the department’s intranet section. For some, it’s a welcome task. For others, it’s …