Number one reason for task execution failure
Filed under Digital Employee ExperienceIntranet
Written by Cristian SALANTI
The number one reason for task execution failure is that management and proces designer do not really put themselves in the employee’s shoes. Here are 4 things that often go wrong with employee experience:
- Employees have to jump from task to task. Optimizing a few tasks is not enough, you need a consistent approach across all the topics within your company
- Each tasks require different types of resources which are scattered across various repositories and applications, which makes them hard to find. You need a topic centric approach where all the resources on a topic section
- People who are doing process design, managers included, often have a different mix skill set than the people will actually do the work. People at the headquarters are more analytical and able to manage more information while people in front office will have better social skills and maybe less analytical ones; consider your employees skillset when designing DEX
- Information overload is a challenge for most employees. Do not assume that they read, remember stuff that was emailed, communicated during a training, or stored in a hard to reach repository
- Headquarter guys often think in terms of tools, while employees think in terms of tasks. An employee task is somebody else’s internal service. Design your digital employee experience along the services provided inside of the organization.
Original article of our colleague Cristian SALANTI published on Linkedin:
#EX #DEX #Intranet #digitalworkplace #DW #taskmanagement #employeeexperience
Last Edited Date:Wed Jan 18